Episode 69
Jason Statham’s Universe of Cryptids
August 22nd, 2018
46 mins 23 secs
About this Episode
This week, Angelo and Brian are back together again. After getting Brian excited over Angelo's surprise new tech purchase, the duo discusses Anchor, the idea of a shared family computer, and the continuing saga of yearly smartphone updates. In the paranormal segment, discussion starts with how great it is to see Alex Jones get delisted from certain services, and then moves onto talk about the Bermuda Triangle, another To The Stars blunder, and purchasing haunted houses.
Episode Links
- Anchor Launches Listener Support, Helping Podcasters (and Itself) Get Paid – MacStories
- Hey, You Know That Anchor App? Turns Out It Owns Your Podcasts - The Mac Observer
- There's no such thing as free podcast hosting - Six Colors
- Why You Should Never Pay For Podcast Hosting – Nir Zicherman – Medium
- How the shared family computer protected us from our worst selves - The Verge
- It's Time to End the Yearly Smartphone Launch Event - Motherboard
- Accidental Tech Podcast: 286: I Respect a Good Crust
- Scientists Claim to Have Solved the Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle - VICE
- Leaked Nimitz UFO Report Reveals Names of Sources | Mysterious Universe
- Would You Buy A Haunted House?