Episode 155
A Seat At The Galactic Federation Table
December 16th, 2020
37 mins 19 secs
About this Episode
Apple has expensive headphones, Amazon has a judgy wearable, and Brian has a controller that won’t work with his Mac. In the paranormal segment, the duo discuss the idea of the existence of a galactic federation and Brian and Angelo try to determine if aliens are working with world governments to prevent nuclear war and discuss the fact that Ed Dames (Dr. Doom himself) remote viewed an intergalactic federation location in the alate 1980s.
Episode Links
- AirPods Max - Apple
- Amazon’s Halo Band wearable tracks your voice and body fat, but isn’t helpful - The Washington Post
- Israel's Former Space Security Chief Says Aliens Have Prevented Nuclear War
- Remote viewing & UFOs : Stargate, Galactic Federation + the Aviary (CIA index + 92,010 PDF pages), page 2
- CIA Remote Viewing Documents
- Israeli space chief says aliens may well exist, but they haven't met humans | The Times of Israel