Episode 55
May 16th, 2018
52 mins 26 secs
About this Episode
This week, Brian and Angelo celebrate SPAM’s 40th birthday, look back at 20 years of the iMac, discuss how hard it is to run the @mta Twitter account, and look at what Google has in store for us with Duplex, a more human sounding Google Assistant. Then in the paranormal section, Brian has Angelo react to a conspiracy packed podcast, which leads them to doubling down on Vegas-style odds on the things that happen in Alex Jones' life.
Episode Links
- Forty years of spam email - BBC News
- The original iMac: 20 years since Apple changed its fate - Six Colors
- Twenty Years Ago, Steve Jobs Introduced the iMac G3 – 512 Pixels
- Apple - Hot News - Steve Jobs Shows iMac — Found via the 512 Pixels post linked above.
- Worst Job in America: Responding to Irate Tweets From New York City Subway Riders - WSJ — Paywall.
- Android Developers Blog: What’s new in Android P Beta
- Google AI Blog: Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real-World Tasks Over the Phone
- Congress Is Quietly Nudging NASA to Look for Aliens - The Atlantic
- Infowars Alex Jones: Donald Trump Is Secretly Fighting Intelligent Computers That Want To Kill All Humans